Monday, December 7, 2009

Thanksgiving and Hanukkah!

Gobble gobble!!!

On the farm it's all about harvesting the best, organic produce and what better way to celebrate then with the biggest harvest party of the year: Thanksgiving! Lucky me, I got to celebrate American and Canadian harvest this year!!! Mmmmm, pie.

We organized a potluck style Thanksgiving and I made my Mum's famous sweet potato pie (after harvesting over 100 yams!) and kale chips as an appetizer.

And dinner wouldn't be complete at the farm unless there's plenty of garlic around!

This year I brought up some Canadian garlic I got at a market and we made a special place in the top garden for those big, northern bulbs to do their garlicky thing and thrive over the winter. Now, Yael has over a dozen varieties of garlic and she's known as the garlic guru in these parts. Everyone is always surprised that there's more than just the "grocery store kind"! There is actually over 300, try a new one at your market and thank your local farmer for all the love they put into those bulbs!


Then comes Hanukkah! Actually, this Jewish holiday of 8 crazy nights doesn't start officially until this Friday, December 11th. But, the Berniers are going down south so they decided to celebrate early with friends.

Yael made a beautiful (c)hallah bread, potato latkes and all the fixings needed for a fun, delicious celebration. Several families joined in the fun and we lost track of time and forgot to play dreidel. The kiddies got pretty sleepy so maybe I'll get to play this family tradition next year!

A Merman, named Arlo, showing off before bedtime!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mmm...challah...looks delicious! Sounds like a fantastic Thanksgiving and early Chanukkah!