I am just in love with the little community of Guargualla! We are volunteering here for a month. It is nestled high in the Andes, at about 3200 m above sea level, 3 hours from the major town of Riobamba. It's very cold up there but no snow. There were no schools up there about 10 years ago so this whole education thing is still quite fresh. We tried playing a simple card game with some of the older men, about 36-40 year olds, but they just didn't get it and continuously asked us the rules even after an hour of playing! These are foreign objects and concepts that have yet to infiltrate the village. Most people live and breathe agriculture here, animals, plants and weather patterns. We have lots to learn from them, too.

When we return Tuesday we will be teaching about taking care of the environment (in Spanish!) to the older kids and playing games and painting with the younger ones. Actually, the first day we got there they wanted us to teach the environment within that hour, but we were very under prepared. Now we have some good materials and ideas, but it should be quite the adventure to teach them in Spanish. Luckily, for us they all speak Spanish as a first language and then they also learn Kechewa, the indigenous language, in school and at home. I am really enjoying playing with the little tiny ones, ages 1-4! They are so adorable and well behaved. I think they are calmer and more obedient than the older kids, more from fear of how strange and foreign we seem.

I am going back to the village today, Tuesday the 25th, and won´t be returning until April 5th. No internet access until then...but when I come back I will post some great photos and stories. I hope everyone had a nice, relaxing Easter holiday and that wherever you are it is warming up, Spring is on its way!
Peace and love, ciao! xo