Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Fantastic Mr. Thief!

Just as I was starting to fall in love with California all over again, my faith was tested. On November 29th, at Reading Cinema in Rohnert Park at approximately 7:35pm I was robbed! I had just finished watching the incredible Fantastic Mr. Fox and I was all jazzed up from the hilarity and energy that gets under your skin whenever Wes Anderson is involved. I sang and skipped back to Santa Rosa 11 miles away and only when dinner was served did I realize that my purse was missing.

I must admit I was in the fault because I had left the purse on the seat and wasn't paying attention because I was still laughing and dancing after watching my new favourite film of the year! Go see it asap! I called the theater and they said I could come back and look in the theater while the new film was being viewed. 11 nerve racking miles later, I was on my hands and knees where only crusty popcorn kernels roam... The kind supervisor, Heidi said I could return after the movie to look with the lights on. Round 2 and no purse in sight!

I decided to take down the names of everyone on duty at the cinema and to go back to Santa Rosa to call the police and file a report. Losing hope I started thinking about what kind of hassles were in store for this little traveler and then made sure to cancel my credit cards. I was feeling rather foolish because I usually travel with my valuables separate, but on this particular outing I had both wallets with me containing $170, my phone and camera; a jackpot for any thief!

The police wanted me to come in person to the station, so back to Rohnert Park I flew...after describing the incident and missing articles they suggested we look in a few trash cans around the cinema and nearby gas stations, but no luck.

As soon as we arrived home the phone rang and they had retrieved my purse! I still don't know exactly what happened but the supervisor said after 3.5 hours of looking, talking to staff, etc. she found it mysteriously locked in the staff safe. After 110 miles of driving back and forth, I had my purse back and all $170 was still inside along with my camera, wallets and all! phew!!!

Now, I'm back with my farm family here in Geyserville, California. I'm departing for LA and San Diego on Friday so I'm soaking in the farm life for the next few days. Here's a few pictures of small, macro details that bring me so much joy:

A beautiful, narcissistic Narcissus!

Spouts in the greenhouse, watered and ready to be planted.

Italian faggioli being dried for next year's seed.

A mini-pomegranate found by Erica.

Mushroom hunting in the garden.

Digging for sweet potatoes.

Erica's twins!


Unknown said...

I loved that you left the theatre dancing. You are a joy, best friend!

melly said...

Ohh I'm so glad you got your purse back! The pom looks so delicious. I miss you!
