"Drop the fear. Fear was taken up by you in your childhood, unconsciously. Now consciously drop it and be mature. Then the life can be a light which goes on deepening as you go on growing.
Know the whole world is nothing when it is compared to knowing your own inner mystery of life.
Don't move the way fear makes you move. Move the way love makes you move. Move the way joy makes you move." -Osho
I am currently at the Osho Meditation Center in Pune, India and have decided to stay here for a few weeks. There is an incredible community here and a lot of space, tools and guidance to learn more about myself. Check out the website if you are interested in learning more.
Words will not do this place or experience justice. I have thought long and hard about this blog and have decided I cannot really write about it. I'm going into an 8 day intensive course and will not have internet access. Possibly, if you are interested I can explain more in person, if you are open-minded.
Money has been a struggle for me here as the center is run by and operates on European standards. I feel grateful that I was born in a family and a society where funds are flexible. Right now I ponder how I will stay financially afloat over the next 3 months, but funds always work out one way or another for me.
I've had an incredible Couchsurfing host here in Pune. Ananda has let me stay at his place for the last week and he's been a great guide and friend to me as I explore the Osho experience. He's a practitioner here and on weekends he leads meditation sessions, plays music, practices reflexology and is training in water shiatsu. I'm so grateful for his kindness. I took the picture below in his beautiful garden.
"Once you have started seeing the beauty of life, ugliness starts disappearing. If you start looking at life with joy, sadness starts disappearing. You cannot have heaven and hell together, you can have only one. It is your choice." - Osho

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