Every day is a whole year of emotions, lessons and encounters...
I spent 8 days in an intensive course here at the Osho ashram and while I cannot put the experience into words, I can share with you some feelings and lessons that I took away from this incredible experience.
DAY 1:
I learned how to cry, with every ounce of my being, in front of others.
DAY 2:
I learned how to really scream! So cathartic.
DAY 3:
I released what I needed to say from the bottom of my heart and I was exhausted from sobbing.
I learned that I have let other people's judgments control how I live my life and its a waste of energy and precious time.
DAY 4:
I learned how to ROAR! (then I lost my voice...)
DAY 5:
I realized this was the hardest, yet most enlivening process of my life! I have never had such bad skin, so much garbage in my body is surfacing and being released.
DAY 6:
Home is inside.
I held hands with a part of me that I hadn't seen in a long time.
I learned that when you feel you have no energy you still have great amounts left!
DAY 7:
I created a beautiful tree and other people where welcome to live there.
I learned how to buzz, how to glow from inside, from a life force so great.
DAY 8:
Things are not what they seem. There are so many layers and this is just the beginning.
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