It´s simple: put fruit, vegtables or a combination of both and blend. ¡Es facil y inteligente! It´s easy and smart! I know, I know, we have juice bars in Canada and all around the world, but this part of the world has them everywhere. Every restaurant, cafe, and street corner offers a variety of fresh pressed or blended juice (jugos) at very cheap prices. Well, maybe not as cheap as beer.
My favourite blended juice is called Vampiro, meaning vampire. It consists of beet root, orange juice, parsley and grapes. Muy rico! It´s so good! And a great, cheap and healthy way to start the day.
I´m not sure about other areas in the world, but in Canada we have a company called Jugo Juice, which is kind of silly when you realize the Spanish translation would make it simply Juice Juice...anyway just some meaningless trivia for the day.
I am now on the Caribbean coast just south of Playa del Carmen and Cozumel in a small beach town called Tulum. I fled Playa del Carmen after scuba diving one day because it was overrun with resort type ¨touristas¨. Every Mexican I met there congradulated me on my Spanish, which is still very basic, and said how nice it was that I had made an effort to learn their langauge. I have been speaking Spanish as much as I can for the last two months so I was a bit shocked when people in Playa replied in English. And, I understand the average tourist who comes to Mexico for a week or two vacation doesn´t have time to learn Spanish. I hope to continue with Spanish lessons in 4-6 weeks once I am finished with the Caribbean coast and back into the thick of it.
I am very excited to meet up with my parents in Cozumel on Monday! I am staying with them for three days only, porque es muy carro, because it´s very expensive. We will scuba dive for three days and then they will join me in Playa del Carmen for one day before I head to Belize.
All I want for Christmas is a juicer! :) Although, without a juicer there are still many options and combos. Try one out this weekend. Squeeze some oranges, limes and maybe a grapefruit and perfecto, you have yourself a refreshing citrus jugo made with lots of TLC! Have a great weekend everyone! Adios.
1 comment:
It sounds like Israel! They have so many juice stands EVERYWHERE, it's delicious. I don't know about where you are, but I would make the assumption that what makes these juice stands so good is that the produce is so fresh and delicious! I know that's the case in Israel...It was so nice to indulge in a passionfruit, mango and banana juice when I went back! Mmm...
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