Dearest Family and Friends:
I want to share this incredible experience with you, but please read on with an open-heart and mind. I had a very powerful reading with a renown astrologer, Prateek, here in Rishikesh, India and have chosen to relay some of the details here.
Prateek opened by telling me that my weakest areas are my lower back, knees and stomach and my stomach will give me problems once a year if I'm not careful. He suggested eating good food especially lots of fruits and radishes! He added that because he saw diabetes runs in our family, especially with my Dad, he suggested that I cut out sugary, salty foods.
He continued to inquire about a fire injury I received when I was young (burnt back of right hand on Grandad's wood stove) and a head injury that involved stitches in my childhood (my forehead was hit with golf club @ a mini-putt birthday when I was 7).
Prateek further described that fire is a negative element in our family. He said there was an unnatural death with one of our ancestors that involved murder by fire/petrol! He continued to tell me that men in my family are carrying bad karma due to my Great-Grandfather's life patterns. They will continue to suffer and be ridden with disease if precautions aren't taken. In order to combat this bad karma he suggested feeding the poor, specifically males, and its best to do this during the phase of the new moon.
Then he switched gears and laughed saying that he sees that my Mum and I were sisters in a past life! This life she will be very generous and kind with money because as my sister she took lots of my $ and is now repaying the debt. ha!
Also, for me dancing is more important than yoga. He said that I loved dancing as a child but stopped in my teens. He suggested using dance and meditation as ways to re-balance my energy.
He also looked at my navel and asked if I had lose bowel movements stopping about two days ago (yes...) and he also knew when I had my last period. Then he took a look at my knees and said, 'aha, you have the frog-shaped knees. This is best for travelers!"
He suggested that a yellow sapphire ring will be best for me and urged me never to get a tattoo.
For my career he sees me as a therapist of sorts, focusing on natural therapy and helping people. It's possible that I will combine therapies with social work and maybe work with handicap children. He said I'm in the midst of a big learning phase (very true) that will continue to grow into 2011 with the climaxing in February. When I need healing I should look towards massage, reiki (recently learned here in India!) and other natural remedy therapies.
As far as my love life is concerned, he said not to seek a Canadian partner! ;) He believes my future mate will speak French or Spanish and I will find him on an island. Older men and/or married men are great for me! Taurus and Cancer guys are great for me, Aquarius is best and Scorpio is the worst possible match.
Several other things were revealed but they are more private for me or those concerned. Just wanted to share a little piece of mystical India with you...